Product Features:
- Piston-type dampers with a pipe filled with viscous fluid. When the piston is moved in the pipe, the fluid is squeezed through pores to produce a hysteresis damping force, so that the energy dissipates
- The speed-dependent energy dissipation deviceshave a 90 ° phase between the structure force and damper force, so that it will not increase the maximum force in the structure. Not being rigid, it will not increase the structural rigidity so as not to increase the structural seismic force due to a structural cyclic decrease. The damper can effectively reduce the structural response (displacement, velocity, acceleration).
- It effectively absorbs the energy from external forces (wind, earthquake), so that the structure deformation can be controlled
- The passive damper provides economy, stability, and high efficiency all without maintenance. Visual inspection is needed only about once every five yearsto determine its external damage.
- In order to fulfil the requirements, we work with the customer from the start, through to design, planning, construction and installation.
- Structure can be installed more flexible, with respect to traditional steel reinforcement or thickening installation of bracing.
- Because it is, easy to install and does not affect the lighting or ventilation, the construction period is short. and row move line.
- A passive energy dissipation devices in the wind or a small earthquake, the damper has sufficient initial stiffness, the structure has sufficient resistance to lateral forces, in order to meet the demand for the use of buildings; when there is strong wind or in a large earthquake, with increasing the amount of displacement of the structure, the damper can be converted to bits momentum again converted to heat, in order to ensure the safety of the main structure in the strong wind or earthquake.
- Belongs to speed-dependent type of energy dissipation device can effectively reduce the displacement the speed and the acceleration of the structure.
- High economic stability, energy dissipation effect and without maintenance (approximately five years to check the appearance of the damper)
- According to current situation and demand to planning and construction.
- It is dry-type construction, short construction period, quick to install, does not affect the lighting, ventilation and moving lines.
- Hysteresis loops is full , so that it can reduce structural damage from seismic force.

Curve Graph:
A. New Construction - Chiayi Crown Jewels
Construct structure - four underground floors; five upper floors; the building is an SC structure.
“Seismic time history displacement” Figure
The Blue Line indicates the displacement after the damper was installed.
The Red line is the displacement before the damper was installed.
Displacement is reduced by 22.5%
“Seismic time history acceleration” Figure
The Blue Line indicates the acceleration after the damper was installed
The Red line indicates the acceleration before the damper was installed.
Seismic capacity increased by 32.4%.
B. Reinforcement Construction – “the Plan of Cultural Park of Northern Da-tung” Set Labor Cultural Park landscape improvement turnkey project
Constructional structure - Four upper floors; the building is an RC structure
“Seismic time history displacement” Figure
The Blue Line indicates the displacement after the installation of the damper, and the red line indicates the displacement before the installation of the damper.
Displacement is reduced by 69%
“Seismic time history acceleration” Figure
The Blue Line indicates the acceleration after the installation of the damper, and the red line indicates the acceleration before the installation of the damper.
Seismic capacity increased by 50%.